Module 7: Debugging Your Code

As a great coder once said, "Why isn't my code working?!?!"

At some point, nearly every coder has uttered these exact words. Coding is far from the effortless work of writing line after brilliant line of new features and visual effects. It is often a slow and cumbersome process—one that will resist every effort to make your code work as you expect. You should brace yourself for the reality of spending hours (if not days) chasing down missing commas, misplaced parentheses, and erroneous capitalization.

And despite what many of you may be thinking, this reality is one that will follow you throughout your career. Errors will be a fact of life, and error-catching is an important part of every developer's role. The faster you catch bugs and resolve them, the sooner you can get back to creating applications and building out your clients' latest requests. Therefore, your career will be partly based on your ability to not only create ideas and code them out, but also to fix things when they fail to work as expected.

Module 7 Deliverable

For this module, you'll be debugging errors in a folder of broken code. Once you have corrected those errors, you will place the folder of corrected code into the Module-7 subfolder of your prework folder. You will also include a simple text file that briefly describes each of the errors you found.

How to Debug

The process of fixing broken code is called debugging, and just as with all problems in life, there are right ways to deal with coding issues, and there are wrong ones. In this course you will develop a fleet of strategies for debugging issues, but in this prework module, we'll be giving you a small taste of what it's like to work through perplexing code errors.

Tip #1: Start Small

Let's start by discussing the wrong way to deal with coding issues. Often when new developers experience an issue with their code, they immediately assume that they did everything wrong and start over, or give up altogether. This is not a great way to learn or get code working.

A better approach is to focus your attention on the lines of code that are closest to the feature that is broken. For example, if clicking a button doesn't trigger a pop-up like you expected, look closely at the code associated with the button. Check your syntax carefully. Check how you've named things. Check your parentheses. Check your capitalization.

In other words, start small and center your attention on what's broken. Then move outward to the farther stretches of the code. You might discover, for example, that the button isn't broken after all, but the pop-up is. Or maybe you forgot to save. Perhaps you aren't even looking at the right file. Don't be so quick to assume there is a huge problem with your code. Sometimes it's the smallest thing that keeps you from a working solution.

Tip #2: Reference Working Code

Many new developers have a tendency to think they are cheating if they look back at old code. This couldn't be further from the truth! As a developer, you should think yourself as a curator of references. As you work with many examples of code, you are continually building a bank of good code. Whenever you face a task or an issue, you can always reference this Bank of Good Code to remember how to solve a previous problem.

Professional developers constantly search through their own code and those of others to quickly tackle whatever issue is at hand. Certain bits of code will become second nature, but this will take time and many hours of practice. Don't be hard on yourself if you aren't there yet.

But let's get back to debugging. Say we have the following instance of a broken button:

Broken Code: Up Button

$(".upButton").on(click, function(){
    $(".captainplanet").animate({top:"-=200px"}, "normal");

The above code was written to move a Captain Planet image on button click, but the code isn't working as expected. Captain Planet just sits there.

Our choices are the following: hunt and peck through the code at random, or pull an example of working code like the one we have here:

Working Code: Down Button

$(".downButton").on("click", function(){
    $(".captainplanet").animate({top:"+=200px"}, "normal");

Take a moment to compare the code between these two snippets. Can you spot the error? (Really try here!)

Hopefully, you noticed the missing quotation marks around the word click. Even if you've never been exposed to JavaScript, it should be clear that having access to the working code can help you spot the issue.

This is the value of good code references.

Tip #3: Keep Your Code Clean

The third key to error-free coding is to keep your code clean. The concept of clean code will make more sense as you progress through the class, but in the meantime, take a look at the two blocks of code:

Sloppy Code

$("#randomButton").on("click", function()
{for (var i=0; i<3; i++){alert(Math.floor(Math.random() * 25) + 1);}})

Clean Code

// When randomButton is clicked...
$("#randomButton").on("click", function(){

    // Loop through 3 times...
    for (var i=0; i<3; i++){

        // And create an alert with a new random number between 1 and 25.
        alert(Math.floor(Math.random() * 25) + 1);


Believe it or not, both these blocks function exactly the same. However, for a developer who needs to maintain or to improve the code, the latter is obviously preferable.

What you will find in this course is that you can often get by with sloppy code, but it will only come back to haunt you later on. Disorganized code is more difficult to read and debug; clean code makes errors easier to spot.

Look at the following example of broken (but very realistic) code:

Sloppy Broken Code

for (var i=0; i<=5; i++)
{console.log("Yay! My favorite #5!!")}
else{console.log("I don't like this number very much.")

It's hard to spot, but the code was missing a } toward the end of the else statement.

Now take a look at the same code, with the same error, but structured with good indentation:

Clean Broken Code

// Loop through a set of numbers
for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {

    // If the number is 5
    if (i === 5) {
        // Print it out.
        console.log("Yay! My favorite #5!!");

    // If the number is not 5
    else {
        // Print it out
        console.log("I don't like this number very much.");


Assuming that you knew that every { must end with a }, this format makes the error much easier to spot!

Tip #4: Read the Debug Error

As you proceed through the course, you'll be introduced to browser-based debugging tools like Chrome DevTools. These tools will help flag troublesome lines of code that are difficult to spot.

If you're relieved to hear about these tools because you found the last exercises difficult, you're right! These debugging tools are incredibly powerful. However, they're only as powerful as the developer who uses them.

Take, for instance, the following broken code and the resulting output provided by the DevTool's console:

Broken Code

var myName = "Sam";
var favFood = "Green Eggs and Ham";

alert(myName + " loves " + favfood);

Google DevTools Console Output

Uncaught ReferenceError: favfood is not defined
    at <anonymous>:3:28

For someone new to coding, the error message may be just as indecipherable as the original code, but let's try to dissect it together.

For one, we can see that it specifies a line number of 3, which means that it thinks the error is on line 3: alert.... (We say think because sometimes it gets tripped up by complex code.)

Next, it tells us that the error has something to do with the entry favfood being "not defined." We'll get into concepts like variables and definitions later, but for now, consider the difference between the myName data and the favFood data. If you look closely, you might notice that favFood is capitalized in one instance as favFood and is not capitalized in another as favfood.

This minor oversight was picked up and was flagged by the console output, and with a little bit of sleuthing, it could easily be resolved. Again, don't be afraid of error messages! They are fantastic clues to your solution.

Tip #5: Test Often

This is a highly effective preventive strategy for keeping bugs out of your code.

Often, when new developers are assigned a task, they attempt to write all of the code in one sitting. For instance, if they are tasked with creating a game of tic-tac-toe, they attempt to create the layout, logic, button events, rules for determining who wins, and many other features without testing a single piece of functional code.

This is a recipe for a hopeless labyrinth of bugs. A better approach is be as minimalistic as possible. Get into the habit of making modest changes, saving those changes, and then immediately testing them in the browser. This way, you isolate the location and the number of bugs to only the block of code on which you are working. If you try to bite off too much, errors will creep into numerous places and each have a cascading effect.

Again, this will make more sense as you start coding, but keep this advice in the back of your mind!

Tip #6: Get Help

Despite the stereotypes, coding is actually a very collaborative line of work. In professional settings, coders are constantly in communication with one another and with online developer communities. As you begin your web development journey, remember that it is always okay to ask for help. There is no shame at all in asking for a second pair of eyes. Sometimes a fresh perspective is all it takes to make a breakthrough!

Tip #7: Practice, Practice, Practice

Last but definitely not least is the best tip of all: always be coding!

The single best thing you can do to become a faster debugger and better coder is to simply code a lot. At first, a lot of those hours you put in will go toward mindless hunting, but don't write those off as wasted hours. Remember that every hour you spend debugging an issue increases your knowledge and skill set. The more time you spend studying where errors exist and where they don't, the better equipped you'll be to solve any problem you come across.

Time to Get Coding (and Debugging)!

Let us repeat this again: Errors will be a fact of life. But don't let errors discourage you or make you quit. Instead, relish every time you fix something that is broken, and celebrate the fact that you have entered the fray as a professional developer.

Now it's time to get to work! Check out the activity below and try your hand at debugging some HTML and JavaScript.

P.S. We know you don't know HTML or JavaScript yet! That's the point.
