Module 8: What Is A Web Developer?

So you want to learn web development. You've come to the right place! Over the course of the next several weeks, you will develop and practice the skills needed to become a web developer. But you may be wondering, "What exactly is a web developer?"

Great question. The title "web developer" is often associated with sketching designs and creating websites, but the day-to-day work of a web developer remains a mystery. Before we can fully answer the question "What is a web developer?" let's take.a few steps back and look at the main piece of the puzzle: the internet.

Module 8 Deliverable

For this module, you will research the field of web development and add definitions for technology terms that are unfamiliar to you to a Google Doc that you can create on Google Drive. After you have uploaded your prework folder at the end of the prework, add this Google Doc into the module-8 subfolder.

How the Internet Works: A Summary

Most of us take it for granted that when we click a link online, something happens. Maybe a chat window pops up, maybe a video loads, or maybe we end up on a new page completely.

This something happens seamlessly, despite the Internet being composed of hundreds of thousands of loosely connected networks of machines and software. In fact, each time you visit a webpage, you are actually communicating with one of these networks. The network then recognizes your request and, in turn, responds with a viewable webpage.

In the old days, this was the end of the story. Viewable webpages were simple documents composed of a little code describing how they should look and act. Because the pages were static, the transmission was a simple one-way street. A great example of a static website is a simple Geocities page (remember these?):


As time went on, the demands and expectations of users increased. Users were hungry for websites that felt live, responsive, and richly interactive. Because of this, new technologies advanced such that more complex code could be embedded into a webpage's makeup. Instead of a network being restricted to sending a static webpage, it became possible to send dynamic websites capable of doing much more. For example, the modern website—or web application, as they are called—is capable of doing any of the following:

  • displaying real-time data to users
  • responding to multiple user interface elements simultaneously
  • synchronizing visual elements between users across locations
  • live streaming videos
  • maintaining encrypted channels for private information
  • algorithmically predicting user preferences based on historic choices

...and much more!

Because of this added complexity, creating these features requires a broad expertise in various technologies and programming methods. As experts in the field, web developers play the essential role of being the architects behind users' web experiences.

So, is web development sort of like graphic design?

Not really. The tools used to architect the web are far from the point in which developers can simply drag and drop visual components onto the screen. Instead, developers use specialized languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to lay out their designs and functional features in code. This is the reason every browser on the web can view webpages in the same way. Unfortunately, it's also the reason why coding can be challenging for beginners.


Sounds technical. Do I need to have a computer science background?

Not at all! In fact, according to studies, nearly 50 percent of all professional developers are self-taught. Think about this for a moment. The web development field is truly unique in the breadth and quality of job opportunities, as well as creative freedom, that it offers. Additionally, unlike most industries, the field isn't restricted to those with a formal degree. Learning how to code is a powerful opportunity for those looking to make a career change or reinvent themselves.

Okay. So if don't need a degree, how do I prove I'm actually a developer?

Another great question! If you remain hardworking, diligent, and focused on learning, you'll be able to build a portfolio of your work that will demonstrate your expertise.

For many of you, this will be a liberating experience. Your portfolio will become a gateway to your future career so that employers don't need to evaluate you based solely on your past credentials and work experience.

For this reason, throughout the program, you will have homework assignments and projects that require you to build web applications. Take these seriously! They may be challenging, but try your best on each assignment. With each assignment, you will improve your skills and, in turn, build your confidence.


If you still need some help understanding the web development landscape, the following activity should clear things up.